Friday 26 February 2016

Post Impressionism - The Six

The Six

Materials:  Acrylic paint on cartridge paper

Post Impressionism art focused on capturing memories and emotions in the artwork.  The art used abstract form and different patterns when applying paint on canvas.

To recreate artwork from the period of post impressionism, I decided to paint the skyline of Toronto.  First, I drew the outline of the skyline using pencil, and then I painted on top of the pencil using various colours of acrylic paint.  To capture the look of post impressionism, I painted this image using small brush strokes, in a horizontal direction.  This is similar to Van Gogh's brush strokes in his painting The Starry Night.  Van Gogh is most famous for his use of  broken brush stokes for throughout his paintings.  

I decided to paint the skyline of Toronto because Toronto is becoming a very popular city to travel to and I also believe that the skyline looks beautiful as it is lit up at night by all of the lights throughout the city.  The Toronto skyline also relates to Vincent Van Gogh's painting, The Starry Night, since it is a painting of the buildings, river and sky lit up from the lights of Toronto, portraying the affect of a starry night.  

"Runnin' through the 6 with my woes." - Drake 

- Yours Truly

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