Saturday, 27 February 2016

Suprematism - Crookedness


Materials:  Acrylic paint on cartridge paper

Suprematism art focused on abstract art and flat shapes.  It emphasized the surface texture of paint on canvas.  The idea was for people to look at art in different and new ways.  

Using painters tape, I created different rectangular shapes on paper, that slanted in different directions.  Then, using acrylic paint, I filled in the rectangular space with different colours to create the shapes.

As an inspiration, I looked at this suprematism painting with flat rectangular shapes that are painted different colours.  This has elements of abstract art, as when a viewer looks at this painting, they quesiton what they are looking at.  The formation of shapes make them think about the message behind the ideas of the painting.

I decided to call this painting Crookedness because the rectangle shapes in the painting are slanted in different directions, allowing a viewers eyes to follow the directions of each rectangle.

Today, there are many paintings that are are abstract that may make people question how it is art.  However, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

- Yours Truly

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