Sunday 22 May 2016

Lazy Sundays

Lazy Sundays

Materials:  Acrylic paint on canvas

To create this piece, I first drew the image or flowers on a canvas using a hard pencil.  This created a light sketch of the flowers so it was easy to paint over.  Using green acrylic paint, I used a wet on wet technique for the background where I placed water on the canvas and then dripped the green paint throughout the water as the colour spread, creating a water colour affect.  Once I painted the background, I used red and white paint and various shades of pink paint to paint the flowers.  I placed red paint in the center of the flowers, white on the outer egdes, and pink in the middle of the flowers and dragged the colours together.  Then, I finished the painting by painting the stems using dark brown and light brown paint.  This helped to create a more realistic look to the painting.  

As inspiration for this painting, I looked at this painting of flowers.  I liked the idea of having flowers painted across an entire canvas.  I also liked the colours in this painting but I felt that they needed to be more vibrant instead of soft, which is why I recreated this painting. 

I decided to title this painting Lazy Sundays.  For me, Sundays are a day of relaxation and spending time with my family.  During the summer, my family and I would go out and search for new flowers to place outside, and around the house; this would usually happen on Sundays.  When I look at this painting, I feel relaxed and calm, almost as I am spending my day picking flowers on a Sunday.

I believe that now, people get so caught up in their everyday lives that they forget to stop and appreciate the life that they are living.  Hopefully, this painting will catch peoples attention and make them appreciate not only art that is created, but art that is created to help people release tension and stress that they may have.  It may help them to let go of whatever they are holding on to, take a breath, and appreciate life.    

"The trick is to enjoy life.  Don't wash away your days, waiting for better ones ahead." - Marjorie Pay Hinckley

- Yours Truly 

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