Sunday 14 January 2018

Interior Design - Dental Office

Dental offices may cause anxiety and stress for some people even though it is a place where people should leave feeling happy with a smile on their face.  It is because of this that the concept for the design of the dental office is a “paradise.”  A paradise is a place where people can relax and not have any worries or stresses on their mind. 
Throughout the dental office, light colours such as light blues and greens and also white will be used.  The main colours of the space will be white and blue and there will be accents of green throughout.  The light blues and white will imitate the colour of the sky and clear blue waters.  The green colour will imitate the colour of nature as nature seems to calm people as well as the use of light colours in a space.  Waterfall walls and dark wood will be used in the dental office space as both of these features are a part of the nature aspects of a paradise.  The sounds of the running water may allow patients to feel a sense of calmness and serenity and the use of dark wood can add a sense of warmth and comfort to the space.  
Therefore, the concept of a paradise throughout the dental office will allow patients to feel calm as they enter a place that may cause them pain and fear during times of a teeth cleaning or operation.  They can enter the dental office and have less anxiety, and instead be welcomed into a place that is portrayed more as a “paradise” and a place that creates happiness, rather than a place that creates stress. 

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Black Swan

Black Swan
Materials:  Clay and acrylic paint

For this assignment, I decided to create a sculpture of a swan.  This swan is not an ordinary swan, but it is a black swan.  Using sculpting clay, I first created the body of the swan and then rolled the clay to create the neck and head.  Then taking small pieces of the clay, I rolled the pieces to create the feathers of the swan.  

I was inspired to create this sculpture from the movie Black Swan.  The black swan represents the corruption of a persons mind.  Even though the film is about a woman's alter-ego, I decided to create my sculpture based on people's perception of themselves.  I believe that everyone starts their life as a "white swan", someone/something that is beautiful and pure.  As time progresses in a persons life, effects of media and society may corrupt their minds.  As this happens, they turn into a black swan.  They start to hate themselves, and begin to turn into something that will eventually destroy themselves.  People need to realize that they are powerful enough to overcome the effects of society and stay their pure and beautiful selves.  

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

-Yours Truly

Wednesday 1 June 2016


Materials:  Pencil crayon on cartridge paper

Using a hard pencil, I drew a croquis fashion drawing.  I then added a dress to the woman in the drawing.  Using a purple pencil crayon, I shaded different areas of the dress to create lighter parts of the dress and shadows on other parts.  Using a black pencil crayon, I went on top of the darker areas and shadows of the purple and added more darker areas creating the appearance of depth throughout the dress. I also left some very white areas on the dress to create a highlight.  I decided not to put a face on the croquis drawing because I believe that a face would take away from the drawing and the dress.
I was inspired to create this dress as I find designing red carpet dresses very interesting.  It has always been a dream of mine to walk down a red carpet wearing an extremely nice gown.  I figured that this would most likely never happen, and therefore, I decided that I would design a dress that I would want to wear if I were to walk down a red carpet.  

I know that you should never give up on your dreams, so I will never stop dreaming and trying to live out my dreams.  I will continue to draw and paint, and hopefully, one day be famous enough to get the chance to walk down a red carpet.  

"Reach for the moon and if you miss, you'll land among the starts." - Unknown

- Yours Truly 

Pretty in Red

Pretty in Red
Materials:  Acrylic paint on canvas

For this painting, I first used a painting knife to spread silver acrylic paint on the entire background.  Once this had dried, it created a 3-dimensional texture.  Using different acrylic paint, I then painted black branches of a tree and red flowers on top of the branches.  

I decided to title this painting Pretty in Red because it is a painting of a cherry blossom tree.  Usually, cherry blossom flowers are more of a pink colour rather than red.  I feel that red cherry blossoms have a more modern appearance and would match better if it was to be displayed in a home.  Because I am interested in interior design, I like paintings that would fit well when displayed throughout homes.  Even though cherry blossoms are usually pink, I believe that they also look pretty when painted using red.  

To create this painting, I was inspired by another painting of a cherry blossom tree.  Both my painting and the painting that inspired me have a textured background and include many flowers.  I wanted my painting to be different from this one, so instead of using brown for the branches of the tree, I used black.  Also, instead of using pink for the flowers, I used red.

Today, people believe that in order to fit in with the rest of society, they need to be just like everyone else.  They need to wear the same thing, have the same body and facial features, and act the same.  However, people need to realize that they are their own person.  It is good to be different from other people.  Accept who you are because everyone was created the way they were, for a reason.  

-Yours Truly

Sunday 29 May 2016

Care Free

Care Free

Materials:  Pencil, marker on cartridge paper

Using a hard pencil, I drew an image of a girl with her hair flowing in the wind.  Around the girls hair are butterfly's .  This image was a candidate for a mural, to be placed on one of the outside walls of the school I attend.  The assignment was to create a piece showing a girl with flowing hair, and incorporate butterfly's in the piece.  This is exactly what I tried to create.  

In my drawing I decided to leave the hair of the girl black and white, while I placed a pop of colour in the image throughout the girl's shirt.  For the butterfly's, I left the wings of the butterfly's an outline and also matched the colour of the girls shirt with the center colour of the butterfl'y.  

I wanted my drawing to appear more realistic which is why I placed less colour in my drawing.   I believe that my drawing shows innocence in a person and how the stress in a persons life may not affect them.  It is possible for a person to be carefree in the world.  With so much to worry about in society, such as work, school, and debts that may come from school or eveyrday life, it is important to remember to take a step back from life, and take a deep breath and just focus on breathing.  Live in the moment.  Do not think about what is going to happen tomorrow or what happened in the past. Let your hair down and feel the wind flowing through it.

This image also depicts Mother Nature.  With the butterfly's around the girls hair, and the innocence in the girls face, I believe that the girl in the image does represent Mother Nature.  This is useful for the outdoor classroom because there will be many plants that attract butterfly's and the outdoor classroom will also be encouraging students to love the nature that surrounds them.

-Yours Truly 

Sunday 22 May 2016

4 Times the Drama

4 Times the Drama

Materials:  Watercolour paint on canvas

Using a soft pencil, I drew lips on a blank sheet of paper and then traced the image on tracing paper.  I then took the tracing paper and transferred the image of lips onto four other canvas'.  Then, using a wet on wet technique, I painted the images of lips using various colours and then filled the center of the lips using black paint.

I was inspired to complete this painting as I came across Andy Warhol's painting of Marilyn Monroe.  I liked the idea of using repetition for a painting.  I also like the idea of using different, bright colours to create the painting.

I decided to title this painting 4 Times the Drama because peoples lips are what speak gossip about others.  Some people find it difficult to speak while other people find it difficult to be quiet.Speaking is a form of communication to communicate with other people.  Gossiping is what may cause drama sometimes, especially throughout high school.  People may think that it is cool to speak falsely about others, however, it is not.  It just causes problems with people and may affect a persons mind negatively.
- Yours Truly

Drip Drop

Drip Drop

Materials:  Water colour paint on canvas

To create this painting, I first drew the skyline of New York, using a hard pencil, on canvas.  On top of the pencil, I used a wet on wet technique, where I placed water on the canvas and then placed water colour paint on top of the water.  I then mixed the colours together to create a continuous flow of the colours throughout the painting.  As the paint on the canvas was still wet, I held my canvas upright, allowing the paint and the colours to drip down the canvas.

I was inspired to create this painting as I came across this painting of the skyline of New York.  I liked the different colours that were used throughout the painting and I felt that it helped to show the beauty of the city.  New York is one of my favourite places to see and to shop in.  I like the excitement of the city and I feel that anything can happen in the city.

I feel that using a multitude of colours throughout the painting allows me to express myself and my emotions.  The different colours show the diversity throughout the city.  The drips of the paint also show how at times, there is chaos in the city that can ruin the city.  However, after all of the negative impacts on the city, you must find beauty in the madness.

- Yours Truly

Interior Design - Dental Office

Dental offices may cause anxiety and stress for some people even though it is a place where people should leave feeling happy with a smile ...